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Microsoft Teams Chat Monitoring with Senso

Monitor critical threats or inappropriate text chats within Microsoft Teams to ensure a safe environment for students and staff.

Certified for Microsoft teams Senso

An Introduction to
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is commonly used by many schools and businesses as it offers a workspace for chat, videoconferencing, file storage and application integration.

If you are using Microsoft Teams within your school or business, you should get to know the importance of having your chats and channels monitored for safeguarding and the wellbeing of your staff and students.

Online Monitoring Software

Senso’s online monitoring software unobtrusively integrates with Microsoft Teams chat, giving staff access to alerts through the Teams app or in the safeguarding logs within the Senso platform.

Senso’s online monitoring software unobtrusively integrates with Microsoft Teams chat, giving staff access to alerts through the Teams app or in the safeguarding logs within the Senso platform.
Our monitoring app sits inside of the Microsoft Teams application and tracks inappropriate use of text chats and images that are triggered from our keyword libraries. The AI (Artificial intelligence) image analysis means images are tracked against any of the triggered keyword categories which Senso then captures in our logs.

Schools and businesses are buying this software to monitor critical threats within Microsoft Teams, for student and staff safety and wellbeing, giving them the ability to control the levels of inappropriate use. After speaking with many of our customers about the problems they were facing before purchasing our software, they found that bullying, sexism, ageism and violence was taking place within their school or business and there wasn’t really any way to track this appropriately and shut it down as soon as possible.

Senso Microsoft teams

Teams Monitoring and Alerting

Teams Monitoring and Alerting is a fantastic tool to help with wellbeing and safeguarding of both staff and students.

The moderator can log bullying, sexism, ageism, violence and bad language, which is why so many schools and businesses are choosing to purchase Senso within their Teams service.

With Automatic Moderation as soon as a triggered keyword or negative image (such as pornography) is put into a chat it is then automatically blurred so that the staff member or student on the other end of the chat is unable to read or see it.

This allows for the moderator to access this and choose to either stop and delete it or send it depending on whether they feel it is appropriate or not. The instant alerts and controlling aspect of our application is why our customers love it so much.

I would recommend Senso.Cloud to anyone thinking about a classroom or network management solution. Anytime I reach out with a question or issue, the Senso support team is always quick to respond and find a solution.

Since implementing Senso.Cloud, Sabine ISD has experienced a variety of benefits such as reduced work time when having to fix Windows PC’s, better monitoring experiences for our computer lab teachers, easy classroom integration, and excellent customer support

– Sabine ISD.

Happy to Help!

Whether you manage a small business that relies on Microsoft Teams or have an entire school of students with multiple devices you need to safeguard, Senso will meet and surpass your expectations. If you are new to our safeguarding cloud software, or you just need a refresher on how it all works, our team are here to help you with any questions you may have or support you may require.

Are you looking for a bullying prevention tool? Do you want to be able to track where inappropriate behaviour stems from? Senso, is the perfect software application for your school or business.

Book a Demo

Do you want more information on what Senso can do for you and your school or business? Get in touch, book a demo and see why so many schools and businesses have already purchased Senso software. We’d love to hear from you!

See below for more information on Senso for Microsoft Teams.