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Student Centered Management Plans to Combat Cyber-Bullying

For the last few years, cyber-bullying among students has been on the rise. Therefore it is important to build an awareness and intervention system to address the problem early. Combining technology with a responsible, student-centered approach, schools can put a stop to the harmful behavior early.

By creating an active classroom environment that is responsive to the emotional and social needs of students, the impacts of cyber-bullying can be reduced.

Schools across the US have been able to limit and prevent cyber-bullying among their students and support vulnerable children in many ways by implementing Senso's technology tools for monitoring and behavior management.

Web Filtering and Chat Monitoring for Early Warning Signs

Most cyber-bullying takes place in unrestricted online spaces without communication monitoring or access filtering. Senso’s content filtration and Microsoft Teams chat monitoring software is built to identify and limit inappropriate access to online media and ensure respectful communication between students.

Comprehensive weekly alert reports of inappropriate language used; images and websites accessed; and web searches are displayed to admin staff on the Senso safeguarding dashboard. Using this information, intervention into harmful online behavior can be prioritized and carried out in full.

Websites identified as harmful are automatically blocked by Senso’s web filtering system, preventing access to social media sites or web forums where unrestricted communication can occur. However, cyber-bullying behavior can also occur in sanctioned communication applications like Microsoft Teams Chat or Google Classroom if not monitored correctly. That’s why Senso has partnered with Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom among other applications to fully integrate our management software with their systems to ensure full monitoring and protection.

Responsive Classroom Environment with Student Centred Instruction

Building relationships with students is important to facilitating a responsive classroom environment and prioritizing social emotional learning in schools. A student-centered management plan in the classroom involves clear communication of expectations, detailing requirements of respect to peers and awareness of student safety online.

Not all cyber-bullying behavior occurs in schools; student access to social media sites and inappropriate content may be possible at home. On networked devices, Senso’s software applies anywhere but other devices may be a source of harmful activity online. A responsive classroom built around student check ins and social emotional awareness is required to address anxieties and concerns around internet use outside of the school environment.

Social Emotional Learning in Schools to Manage Anxiety in Students

School staff should communicate expectations for respect and behavior through a digital citizenship and etiquette curriculum integrated into lessons. Teachers should emphasize: the responsibilities each student has to themselves and others when interacting online, rules for technology in the classroom can be made clear, and repeated alerts or reminders to individual or grouped devices can be issued when required.

Teachers encouraging 1 to 1 chats with students can help build trust and open communication around anxieties and concerns they may have with cyber-bullying or any other issues. A clear system of privacy, trust and confidentiality in this communication must be developed when discussing these challenges with vulnerable students.

That’s why Senso provides tools for anonymous communication and conflict resolution for teachers to use in the classroom. ‘Quick Question’ and ‘Send Message’ modules can be used in class activities, but also provide a pathway to communicate with individual students, groups, or whole classes to manage behavior, check in with students, and facilitate peer-to-peer discussion.

Senso School Software Provides Tools for Responsive Teaching Strategies against Cyber-bullying in Schools

Building an effective response to cyber-bullying and harmful behavior online is one of the most important issues for which Senso’s software is built. Centering students both inside and outside of the classroom allows teachers to optimize and prioritise student well-being and safety within the educational environment.

Claim your Free Demo of Senso Software to enhance your Safeguarding and classroom communication systems today, or give our pre-sales team a call at: 866-664-1520.