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Senso Learn LMS: The E-Learning Platform Designed for Teacher Onboarding

The e-learning experts at Senso are bringing up-to-date knowledge and information on key compliance, policy, and procedures to schools across the US.

Senso Learn is a centralized Learning Management System (LMS) that works as a collaborative workspace where all staff can access online training material to stay up to date with the latest compliance requirements. A consolidated content library of essential courses and institution-specific training documents in one LMS means that schools can quickly and effectively onboard new staff and retrain or upskill existing staff. 

Developing an understanding of how the system works and how centralized tracking and staff management functions, is the best way to choose the LMS that is right for your institution. Therefore, in this article, we are answering the most common concerns schools and businesses have about the use of the Senso Learn LMS as online onboarding software.

Organizing Compliance for Seamless Teacher Onboarding

Teacher onboarding can be a long-term process that involves a lot of compliance learning that ranges from practical skills like cyber essentials, soft skills, and negotiation, to essential health and safety topics. Ensuring that all of these key elements are covered with the most up-to-date detail possible for the induction of new starters can be a tricky job for administration and hiring staff.

Using a LMS organized around tracking and centralizing independent learning on essential training and compliance topics can be a great way to ensure all new staff know the correct ways to handle a wide range of situations to a high standard. Senso’s selection of off-the-shelf e-learning content shares our expertise on cyber security, online safety, privacy procedures, and a range of other digital competencies as well as compliance essentials for any other areas of school procedure.

There are numerous benefits of microlearning LMS courses included in the Senso Learn content libraries, including:

• Content designed for engaging employees with any level of experience, for onboarding or upskilling staff

• Flexible assessments for each course to evaluate learning against your school standards

• Customizable playlist building to develop the best onboarding practices for each staff role

• A unified approach to learning among staff, allowing for a shared understanding of accepted procedures and a shared appreciation of school culture and staff expectations

Build your LMS with Senso Learn LMS Hosting

Senso Learn is used as a customized content hosting platform beyond the off-the-shelf e-learning content provided in our expert learning libraries. Schools can customize their bespoke e-learning systems with documents, courses, and content that ensures that all staff stay up to date with key compliance procedures specific to each specific role or work site.

Is Senso Learn a LMS or CMS?

The Senso Learn platform is a customizable e-learning tool included for free alongside the learning content libraries that cover a range of key topics for schools, including online safety and compliance courses. This means that the integrated, intuitive system can be used both as a LMS and a CMS, or Content Management System, as independent content can be hosted and managed on the system outside of providing the standard learning recommended for the best onboarding procedure.

LMS Reporting Made Easy

Our LMS platform dashboard has an intuitive display that provides users with full information on their courses so both they and the supervising staff can monitor their progress. The helpful progress tracker on the main page shows the number of enrolled courses, as well as the number completed, in progress, and yet to be started.

Alongside this progress summary, complete LMS reporting features can be accessed by permitted users from the dashboard at multiple levels. Providing the personal touch to improve motivation, this centralized approach enables personalized achievement certificates to be automatically sent out when staff completes a course.

Discover the Best LMS for Schools with Senso Learn

Designed around our expertise in school safety and understanding of the needs of teaching staff and the onboarding and upskilling process, Senso Learn is the ideal training and compliance management software for schools.

Talk to our experts and claim our Free Demo of all Senso School Software to discover how your school can benefit from an integrated technology-based approach to training, teaching, and learning.